A Positive Attitude—A Happier Life

You want a happy life. Sometimes, despite your best efforts to build a happy life, people or circumstances derail those efforts. Such challenges can cause you to lose heart. What can you do to overcome feelings of discouragement?

Avoid Negative Thinking

Be aware of negative thoughts. Work at being more positive in your thinking. When you catch yourself having a negative thought, counteract it with a positive one. For example:

“Nothing I do ever works out. Why do I even try?”

Instead of letting a thought—like the one mentioned above—pass unchallenged, say to yourself…

“Well, things don't always go according to plan, but that's okay. I'm going to keep working toward my goal.”

Focus On the Positive

Is your situation completely hopeless? Perhaps, you must now work harder or longer in order to accomplish a goal. If so, then your goal is still attainable, all is not lost, and you have reason for positivity. Focusing on what is positive and upbuilding will help you maintain a positive attitude. Reflect on all the reasons you have to be happy. You have little control over people or circumstances, but you can control your attitude.