Are You Addicted to Sugar?
You start a healthy eating plan, but you have trouble sticking to it. Do you crave cookies? Cakes? Milkshakes? If so, you may be an addict—a sugar addict.
Is Sugar Addiction a Real Thing?
According to Harvard professor Dr. David Ludwig, sugar addiction is very real. Dr. Ludwig and his research team found that foods with high sugar content stimulate a pleasure center in the brain called the nucleus accumbens. This is the very same area of the brain known to play a central role in cocaine addiction.
So, it's official. When it comes to our health and weight-loss goals, we're not just wrestling with willpower and commitment. We're fighting against our own biology, folks!
3 Ways to Combat Cravings
1. Drink plenty of water. Sometimes the hunger you feel is really thirst. Your body may be hinting at its need for hydration.
2. Avoid shopping for groceries when you’re hungry. EVERYTHING will look good, and you won’t be able to resist. Brownies may somehow end up in your shopping cart.
3. Get sufficient sleep. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body will increase your appetite and increase your cravings for unhealthy food.
There you have it. Are you addicted to sugar? Just a little…food for thought!